(Mutual University Discussion Circle Page on Biocivilization: Paradigm of Planetary Coexistence)
Biocivilization: Paradigm of Planetary Coexistence
This ocandeeiro.org page aims to offer support material to those interested in the theme “Biocivilization, a paradigm of planetary coexistence, to continue building, making visible and strengthening a civilization networked with life”.
Biocivilization is linked to the spirit of change of our time, as a strategy to build, now, a common path through dialogue, articulation, connection, interrelationship and collective construction, which will take us out of the systemic crisis we face and that will benefit the entire network of life that inhabits our Planet.
Biocivilization places the essence of the flourishing paradigm of planetary coexistence in the web of life, in which all living beings are entangled: humans, animals, plants, Planet Earth…
The support material offered to those interested in this page consists of videos and texts.
To participate, register in advance and sign up for the discussion circle for free through this link: https://ocandeeiro.org/unimutua/rodas-de-conversa/